Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Vitamin D and The First Day of Summer vacation!

June 2, 2010

So, last night I couldn't sleep at all because my mind was working a million miles per hour thinking of all the things I want to do during summer break. Well Today is my first day of freedom and I'm so tired haha. I even have made a list of all the things I want to accomplish before fall semester comes around. I want to paint, I have so many blank canvases that I have accumulated over last semester that are just crying out to be used. I want to start drawing again, but not just with graphite or pencil, I want to go out and buy some high quality colored pencils and explore with colored drawings =). I also have a goal to find a really great book and read it over the summer, I'm thinking Jane Eyre, do you have any suggestions for me? And I seriously just want to take a whole day to do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV shows and movies. I also want to go camping with my hubby and friends, and then go down to LA and visit my sister. oooh man I have such high hopes for this summer, I reallyyy need this time to decompress from everything.

As far as the health aspect of my life, I have been taking vitamin D supplements for about 2 weeks now. I was researching my disease some more and found a little something that mentioned how taking Vitamin D may help stimulate my Osteoclast cells! Well this made perfect sense to me because as a pre-nursing student I am learning in Anatomy that your bones store calcium, and when your organs and intestines need Calcium it is the Osteoclasts' job to resorb (take out) the Calcium from the bones and send it into the gut where it can be used. Well! vitamin D is the one responsible for telling the Osteoclasts to resorb the Calcium, thereby stimulating the Osteoclasts! Well, who knows if this will actually stimulate them in my case, it may be something a lot more complicated than that, but it never hurts to try!


  1. i tried this and it did cause bone growth although i happened to get involved with a hip fracture that required surgery.. and after i got out of the hospital 24 days later at the first doctors appointment there was BONE growing on the WRONG side of the plate... so Just dont break anything (easier said than done, trust me i know) and it should help...

  2. hmm then I might stop taking it, I dont need bone growth, I need bone resorbtion. Sorry to hear you fractured your hip, do you have osteopetrosis (not osteoporosis)?


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