Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello High Blood Acidity, Goodbye Spicy Foods

June 9, 2010

Hello dear readers! Well I went to the doctors yesterday for a routine check up, and I complained about having pain in my chest and upper back. Well apparently I have a high acidic blood level, and the pain was heart burn. And if not treated the high acidity can cause ulcers. So my doctor prescribed me Prilosec which I must take everyday. I'm thinking "wow this is pretty random!" but it does explain the acid reflux that I have been experiencing. So after I got home I did some research on the Internet to find out whether or not it is linked to Osteopetrosis. Sure enough it is. At the website I found that in Osteopetrosis patients, "The blood is slightly acidic and has a high chloride concentration (hyperchloraemic acidosis.) The blood acidity is caused by excessive leakage of bicarbonate from the kidney tubules (renal tubular acidosis)." Well, that's new information to me. So I guess I must be consistent with taking my Prilosec now, and stop eating spicy food! I don't know how I'm going to do that! One of my favorite foods is a good spicy plate of chicken curry. At least at the Chinese restaurant that I order from the curry is spicy, I don't think the Thai Chicken curry is spicy, so there may be hope after all. But Ricky (my husband) insists that I stop eating all spicy food! He is so good at watching out for his little wifey.

Apart from frequent bone fractures I never knew that Osteopetrosis could cause so many problems in just one little body. Oh well, The Lord is my Strength, and He will continue to help me overcome any and every obstacle that may come my way!

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