Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am Forever Unbreakable: by Lynsie Petig

May 27, 2010

I will not surrender, I will not break

This burden on me will never take

Fragile or weak are the words some might use to describe me

But my strength is found in The One Everlasting

In my heart and in my mind

You will never find a fragile disposition of any kind

This world may break my physical self, leaving me feel depleted

But my spirit cannot be broken nor, can it ever be defeated

I may endure pain and my heart may momentarily ache

But I am invincible despite what some might think

I will never fail to rise again

No matter the challenge, I will always win

When you look at me don’t perceive fragility

For my spirit is threaded with a woven pattern of invincibility

So Look at me and see strength, and let your vision be stable

For I am now, and forever will be, unbreakable.
by Lynsie Petig

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scheduling A Surgery

May 25, 2010

Wow, so its a longgggg and tedious process scheduling an out patient surgery! All the surgeries I have had  have all been emergency/in patient ones. Plus, when your special bone Dr in Standford says to you that you can only have surgery by a highly specialized ENT (ear nose and throat) Dr. because your case is so rare, but your insurance will only pay for a crappy Dr down here It get even more complicated (seriously they're not the best down here, they're only here so they can play golf in pebble beach. Of course this is just my experience, I'm sure there are good Doctors here I just havnt had the pleasure of seeing them). Although, my insurance stated that they will cover my surgery at Standford only if they have written proof that my Dr actually said that I can only have surgery up there. So that's what I am doing now, calling Standford and leaving billions of messages for people to call me back, and people are getting all confused about what this letter is....Ive been very clear about what this letter is, I mean you understand don't you?

More on the doctors down here: I once hurt my leg and just to make sure I didn't break it again I went to the local Hospital here. The Doctor looked at my x rays and mistook my old fracture for a new one and started planning a surgery and to put me in a partial body cast known as a Spica cast (which Ive had like a thousand times lol). Well what he didn't know was, that in Osteopetrotic patients old fractures don't heal fully like a normal break would. In a normal bone after it heals all evidence of a fracture is gone. But in my case you can still see the line on my bone where it had broken and healed. Turns out all I did was pull a stinkin' muscle, so yeah, my confidence about having surgery down here is shot. Id even give the guy some credit if it wasn't for the fact that even Doctors who are not educated about my disease can just tell by looking at my x rays that my bones are not normal, they just don't know what it is, and he didn't even notice that.

So for now the waiting continues, Ill update you on more when something happens lol.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tomorrow's My Birthday!

May 18, 2010

So tomorrow's my 23rd Birthday! discounting some broken ribs and a surgery, it will be 6 whole years since I have broken any major bones in my body! Wow, It feels so stinkin amazing to say that. Tomorrow should be amazing. My hubby Ricky just finished secretly wrapping my birthday presents that hes more excited for me to open than I am, I think haha. well ttyl! next time I write I will be a whole year older haha.

PS. No headache today! yay!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I am Having Surgery

May 17, 2010

So lately I have been struggling with terrible headaches, (which is a common symptom of Osteopetrosis due to nerve compression). I used to get bad headaches so I would take something like Excedrin Migraine. It really did work....for a while. Then my headaches got REALLY bad. like the worst migraine you could ever imagine times 50! So my doctor gave me a prescription for Sumatriptan Succinate, which is extremely powerful (and expensive). It was like an answer to my prayers! it worked so well! until I started having sinus problems, and started getting sinus headaches, which my new, very powerful medication didn't treat. So I had an CAT scan and they found that I have "Hypoplastic sinus cavities" I was like great! just what I need, something else to go wrong! So your sinus cavities are hollow cave-like spaces formed out of bone inside your skull. And hypoplastic means they are "underdeveloped", meaning because of my Osteopetrosis, the bone is getting thicker and filling in my sinuses. This causes them to be unable to drain themselves, so I get sinus infections super easily and also have baaad sinus headaches! So dear readers, I have to have surgery to enlarge my sinus cavities! They have to "burn" them open. I don't really know what this entails, all I know is that its a 2 hour surgery and after I will be able to smell the burned away bone in my head. That's so crazy, I can just imagine that its going to smell something like hair smells when you burn it, really bad. So Ill keep you posted on when my surgery will be, and anything else. Later guys.

Turning Negative into Good

Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. Genesis 50:20 before I say what I want to say let me just get one th...