Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scheduling A Surgery

May 25, 2010

Wow, so its a longgggg and tedious process scheduling an out patient surgery! All the surgeries I have had  have all been emergency/in patient ones. Plus, when your special bone Dr in Standford says to you that you can only have surgery by a highly specialized ENT (ear nose and throat) Dr. because your case is so rare, but your insurance will only pay for a crappy Dr down here It get even more complicated (seriously they're not the best down here, they're only here so they can play golf in pebble beach. Of course this is just my experience, I'm sure there are good Doctors here I just havnt had the pleasure of seeing them). Although, my insurance stated that they will cover my surgery at Standford only if they have written proof that my Dr actually said that I can only have surgery up there. So that's what I am doing now, calling Standford and leaving billions of messages for people to call me back, and people are getting all confused about what this letter is....Ive been very clear about what this letter is, I mean you understand don't you?

More on the doctors down here: I once hurt my leg and just to make sure I didn't break it again I went to the local Hospital here. The Doctor looked at my x rays and mistook my old fracture for a new one and started planning a surgery and to put me in a partial body cast known as a Spica cast (which Ive had like a thousand times lol). Well what he didn't know was, that in Osteopetrotic patients old fractures don't heal fully like a normal break would. In a normal bone after it heals all evidence of a fracture is gone. But in my case you can still see the line on my bone where it had broken and healed. Turns out all I did was pull a stinkin' muscle, so yeah, my confidence about having surgery down here is shot. Id even give the guy some credit if it wasn't for the fact that even Doctors who are not educated about my disease can just tell by looking at my x rays that my bones are not normal, they just don't know what it is, and he didn't even notice that.

So for now the waiting continues, Ill update you on more when something happens lol.


  1. Hey Lynsie, I know how you feel. I have dealt with my fair share of insurance and how stupid they can be and the incompedence of doctors. I know how frustrating it can be, but stay strong and have Faith in God, because He will prevail and in the end it is in His hands. I love you.

  2. I'd suppose it'd be easier if you had it in your records for the local doctors. But since you possibly have been to several different hospitals, unless you tell the doctor of your condition, they ain't always going to automatically know. But that's also my issue with doctors... they all presume every single person they see is a "typical" scenario. Not much we can do about it though until we show up in the hospital half-dead with the diagnostics team running dozens of tests. meh.

  3. Panda: Oh we told him, he knew, and he still didnt understand. But it doesnt matter, I just dont bother with the Drs here =) Thats why I love Standford =)

    Lizzy: I love you. And I know you have had your more than your share of surgeries too. Thank you for the encouragment!


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