Saturday, August 20, 2011

What You Probably Don't Know About Me, and How I Broke My Femur

Alright so I know people know that I am fragile and that I break a lot of bones. But I don't think they know the full scope. I started breaking bones when I was 12 years old, and since then I've broken 9. Its been as easy for me as tripping walking up the stairs that made me break my right humerus (right upper arm bone) completely through. Most little trips, little stumbles, and little bumps into walls that people do all-day-every-day but don't notice, can cost me everything. It can wind me up lying flat on my back in the hospital under an x-ray machine, and then 45 min later hearing from the ER doctor that the bone they just examined is completely broken; Meaning another tiring surgery and 3 to 6 months either lying flat on my back, or 2 or 3 months in a sling. I've had metal plates put in my leg and taken out. I have a metal rod in my femur now. I've been in traction for my femur for a month. I've been in two partial body casts for about 5 months at a time with full bed rest (meaning bed pans and no leaving the bed or hospital). Not to mention it takes twice as long for my bones to heal so all this agony is doubled. Either way, whatever plans I had for myself in life at that time, are destroyed.

13 days ago I was in Disneyland with my Husband. We were celebrating our 3rd Anniversary. My leg was killing me. But I have chronic migraines so I took the vicodin that I had prescribed for my migraines, for the pain for my leg; it helped enough for me to bear through it, I mean, we were in Disneyland! when we got home I thought if I rested my leg it would get better, maybe I just over used it, after all, I had broken that femur 3 times before. It got worse. That next Friday I went to the ER. I broke it, Again? only this time no trip had occurred, no bump, no fall, nothing. I was only walking. A few days later we saw my actual Osteopetrosis bone Dr in Stanford. He said that because my bones are so fragile I don't even need an excuse to break something. walking could do it; Stress fractures from walking.

I am scheduling surgery up in Stanford which will be within the next month. Mean while, I sit here with a broken left femur which is only hanging together by the metal rod that is in my leg.

Prayers would be appreciated cause this does not get easier. It's really hard actually, I'm not gonna lie. It REALLY SUCKS. But it is what it is. and I can't do anything about it. And I truly believe everything happens for a reason, only God knows why and who am I to question it? My God is a big God and He has NEVER failed to watch over me. So I am just going to rest in Him and SMILE!! because no matter what I go through the Lord never fails to replenish me with over flowing joy!! God is oh so great!! nothing can get me down!! NOTHINGG!!!! =)

Turning Negative into Good

Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. Genesis 50:20 before I say what I want to say let me just get one th...