Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Ricky Poo!

July 24, 2010

So Thursday was Ricky's (my husband) 24th Birthday! And the night before I had a plan: I would pretend to go to bed, wait for him to fall asleep, where I would then proceed to decorate the entire apartment with happy birthday banners and balloons so he would have a nice surprise when he woke up that morning! Well, what really happened is he fell asleep on the couch and I couldn't wake him up if my life depended on it! and the more and more I tried to wake him up the more he got upset ( he was so exhausted I wont hold it against him lol). So here I am getting more and more tired, I want to go to bed, but I have to decorate first! So I finally get him into bed, hes mad at me, and I'm all sad and frustrated cause he doesn't know what I'm planning. So I lay in bed with him for a while, finally he falls asleep. I get up, decorate, put the banner up, blow up all the balloons, get the coffee ready for him in the morning, make him a birthday card/note that he can read before work, and as I am blowing up the last balloon it POPS! I was like ooohhhh nooooo! I was thinking, "that's it! he's going to wake up, be all mad because Im making so much noise, ooor he'll think it was a gun shot and be all worried; either way the surprise would be ruined!" haha well Thank goodness he was so tired he didn't even hear it! haha so the next day he tells me how awesome it was waking up to all the decorations before work, and he didn't even know what he did the night before and how he was impossible to wake up.

later that day we had his birthday party. It was so much fun we went to the beach, had a bon fire with awesome friends. I made a brownie cake for the party (which didn't cook right cause I mixed two boxes of brownie mix together and put it in the oven lol), we had hot dogs for roasting and stuff for Smores! we nearly burned our entire bodies trying to roast our food over the ginormous fire with our tiny little roasting sticks (cause we couldn't find any longer ones at the store), played Frisbee, pet some strange dogs, and climbed into a "tunnel" that was really a sewer drain leading to the ocean. All in all it was one amazing day!

I also made my very first New york cheesecake from scratch just for Ricky!! you can see it in the picture above. He doesn't like regular cake an just looooves new york Cheesecake! I think for Ricky it was the best thing I gave him for his birthday! =) haha that's right his little wifey can bake!


  1. what a lovely story. lol. glad it all worked out! "POP!!" :)

  2. haha I know me too! I was soo scared when the balloon popped! my heart definitely stopped for like 2 seconds lol


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