Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally Getting an Appointment at Stanford Hospital

Once upon a Time,
There once lived a happy girl with long flowing dark hair, who had been in pain and misery for quite a long time. She suffered from horrific sinus headaches and cluster migrains. which left the girl saddened. She had spent a whole year getting all of the necessary Dr apointments, insurance, referral letters and information she needed. Dozens of messages were left but none were returned, and she was losing hope. However on one warm early spring day, she received a phone call, a schedule had been made in her name. and the girl was happy.

I have good news dear readers; tomorrow is the day. No not for my surgery, although I wish it was, then I wouldn't have to wait til another semester of school to pass before I have it done. But tomorrow is the first day of my appointment in Stanford for my consultation. Tomorrow we get to make a trip of it, my husband and I, which all of my Stanford visits always end up being because its a few hours away from us. This is how it will go: We will get up early, probably stop at the In-and-Out once we are there cause we will be starving. Then we will drive to the hospital, search for the right parking lot, perhaps passing it a few times before we figure it out. We will enter the front doors and will be greeted by that distinct Stanford smell. You know the one I speak of, all hospitals share that distinct hospital smell. but Stanford has one all its own. I will check myself in with the person behind the desk, as they tell us to have a seat. Ricky will help the time pass by quicker for me by making me laugh, usually by making fun of something in the room. Then my name will be called and my heart will skip a little beat as the nurse leads us to a room where more waiting will proceed. Then, when the moment has presented itself we will meet the man himself the Doctor who will be preforming my surgery. There I will sit face to face with the professional that I will finally get to unload a years worth of questions on that I have been dying to ask. I will hand him my Cat Scan that I so proudly scrounged up at the last Minuit (Im actually picking it up from the hospital sometime after 1pm today). And well, dear readers that's as far as I am able to predict, cause honestly I have no idea whats going to really take place. I haven't had a surgery on my sinus cavities, ever. But one thing I am certain of is afterwards Ricky is going to take me to Starbucks because, well, the day just wouldn't be complete without one.

So I know Tomorrow isn't the surgery. But it lets me know that I am one huge step closer to receiving the help I need.

Turning Negative into Good

Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. Genesis 50:20 before I say what I want to say let me just get one th...