Monday, August 9, 2010

The Best Two Years of My Life

Aug 9, 2010

I just celebrated my 2nd wedding Anniversary with my husband Ricky yesterday. I am so proud and blessed to say that he is my husband of two years. I love him dearly with all of my heart and with every fiber of my being. He is the greatest blessing in my life. I know that God sent him to me for a reason for he is exactly what I needed. And Ricky, I want you to know that nothing could ever take your place in my heart, our marriage and our life together is for forever.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I Surrender All to You

Aug 6, 2010

I had a really great talk with my husband last night. But in order for you to understand what it was about, let me back track a bit...

So just recently my husband has discovered the wonders of rock climbing and has been going to the rock gym practically every day since he has a membership. He just loves it and always comes home so pumped! Just the other day he brought all of his friends with him and now they’re pumped about it and want to all get memberships too! Well my husband and I have been going back and forth about whether or not I could or should go Rock climbing, because I have to be much more careful than the average person, which means limiting my activities to lower my chances of breaking something. Let me just tell you that no matter how physically limited I am, in my heart I am a very physical and competitive person, and I desperately long to do every single active sport or activity there is! If someone is doing it, I cant sit on the side and watch, I have to do it too (even though I shouldn’t so obviously don’t). I was even a gymnast who was about to go onto nationals and then I broke my leg and found out that I got diagnosed with Osteopetrosis. I was devastated. Soooo I got all pumped up about rock climbing and wanted to go too! Then Ricky, being the loving and protecting husband he is reminded me that I probably shouldn’t, because I could slip and bang a limb into the wall, fall, or anything. Mind you he is not one to be overprotective at all so when he says "no" to something, he has a reason. Well I took this hard, cause I want nothing more than to participate in fun activities that others around me are enjoying so much. And its been like this ever since I was diagnosed with Osteopetrosis. Its hard sitting on the sidelines, knowing that that’s where you have to stay and watch everyone else doing something that you want to do too.

Well back to my talk with Ricky. We were driving home late last night, the subject of rock climbing came up again and I kind of had a melt down…I was sad and frustrated that I couldn’t do something else yet again. And then pulling into the parking lot of our apartments, there we sat in the car for two hours just talking. And then Ricky said something that totally changed my outlook on how I see my situation. He said, “You are the happiest person I know, that’s why I married you. But almost every time a physical activity is mentioned that you cant do, I see you plummet and get dragged down. Wouldn’t you want to live life completely happy even though your limited in the things you cant do? Because a person’s life has the ability to affect someone else’s life. What if every time you couldn’t do something you got sad and dragged down, and someone else with Osteopetrosis, or any disease, or someone with no disease at all, saw the way you reacted about your disease, and they were influenced by your behavior and reacted the same about a situation in their life? But what if you didn’t let your physical inabilities drag you down and you stayed joyful like you always are, then how much of a better influence would you have on somebody who is watching you?”

…I think from now on, after what he said, I will definitely look at my life and physical activities differently. Granted I probably will most definitely have my moments of weakness where I will get sad about not being able to do something. But I will always re-entrust my body and mind to God, who is my strength physically, emotionally, and mentally. No matter what happens God is in control, and all I need to do is just be thankful and joyful for my life that He has given me, and not worry about what I cant do, because I am truly blessed.

Turning Negative into Good

Often, out of our greatest rejection comes our greatest direction. Genesis 50:20 before I say what I want to say let me just get one th...